Katya Kamenskaya was born on March 14, 1994 in Kineshma, lives and works in Moscow. In 2015 she graduated from the Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry. Since 2020, she has been engaged in commercial illustration.

«Creating illustrations and graphic design is my job. Every day, one way or another, I draw, invent, create something digitally or with live materials.

The focus of my particular interest in creativity is the topic of communication, creation, recognition and learning. My clients are often from the fields of education and psychology, so in my illustrations I try to create a comfortable and careful environment, paying attention to details, while limiting the palette and using minimalist forms.

Conciseness, detailing (where it is needed for the problem solution), structuredness, logic and a pinch of randomness – this is my approach».

https://www.instagram.com/katya.kamenskaya/ – social network forbidden in Russia
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