«Thank you very much for organizing such a festival. There were a lot of cool events and so many emotions and communication! It seems I have lived a separate little life in these two days», – illustrator, finalist of the festival Lilia Kosolapova.

«Thank you very much for a wonderful festival! Lectures, master classes, organization – everything is on top! Glad to meet new people!» – Varvara Obshivalkina, artist, winner in the nomination «Best illustrated material in the media».

«Dear respected organizers of the festival! Firstly, you are just great people, I can’t imagine what it’s like to conduct a festival and do it at such a cool level, my heartfelt thanks!
Secondly, special thanks for the exhibition С I really enjoyed wandering through the labyrinth and looking at everything. Special thanks for the anti-reflective glass, I bow down to you, because thanks to it there were no problems either with viewing the works or with photographing, it was very, very thoughtful.
Thank you for the amazing market, my husband and I bought a lot, he is absolutely happy for having «echpochmak»-shaped earrings.
I am extremely sorry that I could only be on Saturday morning and was not present at the closing of the festival. I really wanted to join spectators, appload and be glad for the winner’s sake! Thank you very much! I really hope that this event will be held annually, will develop and become a huge cultural event for everyone interested in illustration», – Varvara Razakova, artist, author and illustrator of children's books, festival finalist.